Which hair types are there?
There are as many hair types as there are people. However, you can categorize them based on several aspects. For example, you have hair thickness and hair density. Then there's also the hair texture, so some hair is smooth, while some hair is rough. Smooth hair is shiny, while rough hair may appear dull.
Additionally, you have hard hair and soft hair. There's also porous hair or closed hair. For example, hair with a lot of shine has tightly closed hair cuticles. This means it's very closed hair, and moisture doesn't penetrate easily, making it less prone to getting wet quickly compared to very porous hair.
For instance, bleached hair is often porous and tends to be stiffer, absorbing water quickly and becoming wet faster. On the other hand, very closed hair is less porous and thus less prone to getting wet quickly, making it more closed and less porous. So, I can always express it a bit in two opposite expressions.
Each hair type then has a bit more of this and a bit more of that from all these variables. And that's how there are millions of types of hair.