Social impact

In addition to our positive social impact (the contribution to access to clean water and hygiene), as a company, we also have an impact on the environment. We are aware of this and take responsibility for improving our environmental impact. In the last few years, we have done this by bringing the production of our care products from Sweden to the Netherlands (local sourcing / less transport distance). We said goodbye to amenities (small packaging in the hotel market) and developed a refillable water bottle, and of course, by creating refillable packaging for our soaps, so that together with the user, we can reduce our (plastic) waste.


Preventing waste is something we do together

Another essential step for us in sustainability is the Refill Bar in our stores. A central location where anyone can refill their empty bottle of soap from a large packaging to reduce the amount of packaging material - and therefore waste. Reducing packaging waste and stimulating reuse by, among other things, offering refill options is an essential pillar within our sustainability policy.

But how does the Refill Bar work exactly? It is straightforward. The moment your bottle of soap (or one of the products on the menu below) runs out. Take your empty bottle to one of our stores in Amsterdam. There you choose a refill and speak to one of our staff to help you. While the bottle is being refilled for you, you can hydrate yourself with a glass of (tap) water. We clean up the bottle after the refill, checkout - and you're done!

Besides the fact that refilling is better for the environment, it is also suitable for your wallet. We want to switch from buying a new bottle to refilling attractive and accessible. That's why you pay 35% less for a refill in the store compared to the price of a new bottle! Have you already started refilling?

If you have any other ideas or feedback for us on how we can do things better, please let us know at: info@marie-stella-maris.com


Preventing waste is something we do together

Another important step for us in terms of
sustainability is the Refill Bar in our stores. A central place where everyone can refill his/her/their empty bottle of soap from a bulk packaging in order to reduce the amount of packaging material - and thus the amount of waste. Reducing packaging waste and stimulating recycling by offering refill options, among other things, is an important pillar of our sustainability policy.

But how exactly does the Refill Bar work? It's actually quite simple. The moment you run out of soap or one of the other refill products, bring your empty bottle to one of our stores in Amsterdam, Utrecht or Maastricht. There you choose a refill and our staff will be ready to help you. After refilling, the bottle is given a clean polish and you're done!

Refill your products even more affordably!


Refilling isn't just better for the environment, but also for your wallet. We want to make the transition from buying a new bottle to refilling attractive and accessible. That's why you'll pay 35% less for a refill in-store compared to the price of a new bottle! Have you started refilling yet?

In addition to offering refill packaging, every Marie-Stella-Maris store also serves as a Refill Station. You can refill almost the entire range at the Refill Bar at a significantly reduced price. During the 'Happy Hour at the Refill Bar' - every Wednesday afternoon between 1:00 PM and 6:00 PM - you can even refill your products at 50% of the original price.

Do you have any other ideas or feedback on how we can further reduce our environmental impact? Let us know via: info@marie-stella-maris.com